I found it! My wedding dress! I've been looking for a picture of it ever since I saw it on PS I Love You. Here it is. I am so excited to finally have a picture of it. And it's modest! Yah!
No pictures this time seeing as how I'm writing from my friends laptop and none of my pictures are on here. Basically I just wanted to let yall know what's been going on. Well I moved...again. Will I ever be able to stay in one place for a long time? But this is good for me. Where I was living before was not working out. Living alone was not all it was cracked up to be. Even if I don't see my roommates it's the fact that there are others here. Plus its cheaper so I can save money for when I get married in a couple years. My roommates are awesome and as soon as I get a picture I'll put one on. We all went and saw Batman last night. It was awesome!!! Heath Ledger did such an incredible job. It's too bad we lost such an amazing person before their time. Today I went and saw Hellboy II and Mama Mia. Both were great films. I've been lucky that I haven't really been to a movie that I don't like in awhile. Maybe I'm just good about choosing movies. Naw that can't be it. I will be attending my, wait for it, TEN YEAR high school class reunion. I cannot believe it has been that long. But it should be fun and I will have some great pictures from it. I am excited to see those that will show up. Since Emerson can't be here to go with me I am taking one of my guy friends so I at least have somebody in case it ends up being a dud. I am also excited to see my family. Living here in Salt Lake doesn't afford many opportunities to see them. But my life is good. Last week I lost a friend of mine in a motorcycle accident. He was the most hilarious guy! It made us all think of how great and good life is. I am thankful for all I have. I have a great life!