Thursday, October 13, 2011

I am a christian!

Recent news of a pastor saying that mormons arent Christians has really upset me. I seriously thought that we were getting to a point that people of other faiths were accepting us. Are people still that closed minded? I believe in Christ. The Christ of the bible. That is another thing that people are writing articles stating that we believe in a Jesus Christ not of the bible. What?! Are you serious?! I believe that Jesus Christ is the literal son of our Heavenly Father. He came to the earth mortal because he mother is mortal but also a God because his father is a God. Because of these two points he was able to withstand the pain of the atonement in Gethsemane and sacrifice himself by dying on the cross on Calgary. I believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected three days after he died and lives today going about the Father´s work. He taught us to love one another regardless of race, sex, age or any other obstacle we as humans place in our way. I am amazed at the people that say that THEY are Christians hurting others through ignorance. That is not what Jesus Christ taught, and continues to teach through scripture. I believe in Christ! He is my King! I pray to my Heavenly Father in His name. Don´t tell me I´m not a Christian!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


So i promised to be better at updates but since i dont have a computer that has been hard. I will have my future father-in-laws computer for awhile so i will be able to update more frequently. So i will be adding some new features to the stuff and changing the background. dog just disconnected the power and i thought i would have to write all this again. So my family is growing. I now have a cute kitty named snowball that we mostly call "gato" that is cat in spanish. and of course my crazy dog chapis. school is closely moving into the 4th quarter and that means we soon will be done. i am honestly excited for that. even though i love teaching i am burnt out since we didnt have our middle of the year vacations. ill try and have some pictures up soon.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A year is too long!!

So its been about one year since I posted. So much has happened and that is so bad on my part. So I am still in Guatemala but now in the city of Xela or aka Quetzaltenango. Loving it here more so because this is where I met my future husband. Yah I will post pics soon. So I am getting married in December in the temple being built here in Xela. Can´t wait! I am teaching 3rd grade at a school called Beehive School and I also teach in the University of Galileo....always English. So this is the short of it and I will try to get on and add pics and everything soon!!